2021 Carsonville Lions Club 4 Person Scramble

Huron Shores Golf Course 1441 N Lakeshore Rd, Pt Sanilac, MI, United States

Join us to Support the Carsonville Lions Club 4 Person Golf Scramble Saturday, June 05, 2021 Entry Fee is $60.00 per person at Huron Shores Golf Course 1441 N Lakeshore Road Port Sanilac MI 48469 Questions - contact Cliff Amey at 810-886-3116 or John Kandell at 810-650-0138      

Let’s Get the Party Started!

Huron Shores Golf Course 1441 N Lakeshore Rd, Pt Sanilac, MI, United States

First outing for the 2022 Season.  Sign your team up today.  Don't have a team we can pair you up. Let's Get the Party Started Flyer    

2022 Carsonville Lions Club 4 Person Scramble

Huron Shores Golf Course 1441 N Lakeshore Rd, Pt Sanilac, MI, United States

20th Annual 4-Person Scramble Registration starts 8:30 am with Shotgun Start at 9am **25 Teams Maximum** HOLE IN ONE - Prize by Destiny Plastics. Vegas Hole, Skins Game, Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive, and 50/50 Raffle. Entries must be pre-paid by May 27, 2022.

American Legion Post 369 Golf Scramble

Registration starts at 11 am with Shotgun Start at 12 noon. 4 Person Teams - $75/player or $300/team Mulligans, 50/50, Raffles, Men's/Women's Closest to the Pin, and Men's/Women's Longest Drive Registration Payment due by June 12, 2022 (Cash or Check payable to American Legion Post 369) CLICK HERE for Flyer

CPS Football Scramble

Huron Shores Golf Course 1441 N Lakeshore Rd, Pt Sanilac, MI, United States

Registration is at 8 am with a Shotgun start at 9 am. All proceeds will be going towards team gear, football equipment, and training equipment. 50/50 drawing, door prizes, skins, longest drive, closest to the pin, 1st place cash prize and more!! CLICK HERE for Flyer

Sanilac County Front Line Hero’s Golf Scramble

Registration starts at 8:30 am and Shotgun start at 9:30 am. Paid entry received before June 30th, get a FREE "Frontline Heros" t-shirt. Proceeds go towards: Chief Dave Hall 1st Responder Fund and Sanilac County Police Firemen's CLICK HERE for Flyer

Ladies Invitational

Treats & Registration at 8 am - Shotgun Start at 9am. CLICK HERE for Flyer